Activity | Agricultural Research Center

Doctoral students and dissertants

Preparing for Phd program


Doctoral students:


Akram Niyazi oglu Hasanzade

5312.01 - He acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”.

The theme of the dissertation:
“Directions to improve the regulation of innovation processes in the agricultural sector”
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Rasul Balayev

Zohra Eldar gizi Mammadova

5312.01 - She acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Ways to improve innovative management mechanism in the agricultural sector”
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Vusal Gasimli

Chilanay Matlab gizi Muxdarova

5312.01 - She acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Directions to improve agricultural insurance mechanism”
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Vahid Abbasov

Faig Javad oglu Gasimli

5312.01 - He acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Formalization of the final monitoring and evaluation system in the agricultural sector”
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Rovshan Guliyev




Parviz Fuad oglu Aliyev

5312.01 - He acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Directions to improve the regulatory state impacts to agriculture”
Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Akif Valiyev

Saadat Intigam gizi Hajiyeva

5312.01 - She acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Improvement of regulation mechanism of agricultural market products”
Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Ramil Huseyn

Teymur Mukhtar oglu Nagibayli

5312.01 - He acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Directions to improve public-private partnership mechanism in the development of agricultural sector”
Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Sevda Mikayilova


Preparing for science of doctor:


Vusala Musa gizi Babayeva

Phd in economics. 5312.01 - She acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Organizational and economic problems of innovative development acceleration of agricultural sector”

Parviz Yagub oglu Hajiyev

Phd in economics. 5312.01 - He acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Econometric analysis of parameters affecting productivity and determination of sensitivity tests in agriculture of Azerbaijan”

Zakir Gasham oglu Guliyev

Phd in economics. 5312.01 - He acquires a postal tuition on qualification of “Field economy”

The theme of the dissertation:
“Economic problems of development of processing industry of agricultural products”

Preparing for Phd program:


  • Amid Ali oglu Mirzayev
  • Ayxan Arif oglu Gadashov



  • Mahammadali Aliaga oglu Mahammadli


Preparing for science of doctor:

  • Tural Tofig oglu Abdulhasanov
  • Latifova Esmira Nazim qizi
  • Sadiqov Ruslan Oqtay oglu


Preparing for Phd program

Doctoral students:

  • Konul Latif gizi Mammadova
  • Sarvan Elxan oglu Jafarov
  • Rashad Shamsaddin oglu Karimov



  • Elchin Sabir oglu Rashidov
  • İlkin Gafur oglu Huseynov
  • Ramil Fakhraddin oglu Aliyev
  • Aygun Nariman gizi Shirin


Preparing for science of doctor:

  • Mushfiga Ajdar gizi Mammadova
  • Tahmasib Faig oglu Huseynov


Preparing for Phd program:


  • Ghafarli Khaliq Abulfaz
  • Safarova Sona Balagardash
  • Safarov Jalal Nasimi
  • Hasanov Javid Mammad
  • Akhundov Yusif Mammadaga



  • Asadov Rovshan Allahverdi
  • Valehzade Uhayna Alovsat


Preparing for science of doctor:

  • Abbasov Rasim Javan
  • Ahmadzadeh Emin Nemat


Doctor of philosophy program


Doctoral (PHD) student:


Hajiyev Murad Ali

5312.01 - He is studying full-time in the field of “Branch-wise economics”.

Dissertation topic:
"Improving mechanisms for the formation of investment resources in the agrarian sector”
Scientific supervisor:
Doctor of science in economics, Huseyn Ramil Zahid



Bashirova Gulnar Shaddiq

5312.01 - She is studying in the field of “Branch-wise economics”.

Dissertation topic:
"Development directions of value chain on dairy products in Azerbaijan”
Scientific supervisor:
Doctor of philosophy in economics, Associate professor Ahmadov Baghish Sabir

Ildirimli Günay Fatali

5312.01 - She is studying in the field of “Branch-wise economics”.

Dissertation topic:
"Directions of formation of economic mechanisms of formation and development of agritourism in the liberated territories”
Scientific supervisor:
Doctor of philosophy in economics, Associate professor Huseyn Arzu Alim


Doctor of science program:

Huseynov Rashad Faiq

5312.01 - He is studying part-time in the field of “Branch-wise economics”.

Dissertation topic:
"Assessment of the impact of climate changes on agriculture and prospects for sustainable development of the sector”
Scientific supervisor

Jafarova Gulnara Sarkhan

5312.01 - She is studying part-time in the field of “Branch-wise economics”.

Dissertation topic:
"Economic and environmental problems of rational use of natural resources in the agrarian sector”
Scientific supervisor
Doctor of science in economics, Valiyev Akif Hamza

Huseynov Raqif Tofiq

5312.01 - He is studying part-time in the field of “Branch-wise economics”.

Dissertation topic:
"Problems of improving the economic efficiency of agricultural production in the conditions of green transformation”
Scientific supervisor
Doctor of science in economics, professor Khalilov Hamza Aghakishi