Activity | Agricultural Research Center

Diagnostics and Analysis

Agricultural Economics Research Center analyzes current trends and conjuncture changes at agriculture, identifies factors affecting the current situation, predicts scenarios and makes recommendations for political decisions when is necessary. Thus, the following directions of analysis and evaluations are:

  • The growth rate of the total aggregate product and value added;
  • Indicators of self-sufficiency and dependence of imports on food;
  • The conjuncture of the domestic and world market, price changes, market access and risks for agricultural products;
  • Factors affecting performance at agricultural sector;
  • Economic efficiency of agricultural producers;
  • Analysis of the value chain of agriculture and development of production capacity in various fields;
  • Investment needs for sustainable development of agricultural sector and food security;
  • Providing farmers with production, access to financial services and infrastructure;
  • The effectiveness of regulatory events and state support at agricultural sector;
  • Employment rates at agricultural sector (paid and unpaid labor, age groups, gender, migration, education indicators, etc.);
  • Diagnosis of rural development.