23 February 2019
On February 23, 2019, the launch ceremony of the 56th International Agricultural Show was in Paris Exhibition Park. French President Emmanuel Macron spoke to ministers of agriculture and state secretaries from 40 countries.
Azerbaijan represented by a delegation headed by Inam Karimov, Minister of Agriculture. Inam Karimov told AZERTAC’s correspondent that, the most important challanges ahead food security, sustainable development of agriculture, environment protection, as well as land and water resources, future involvement of young generation to agro sector, application of innovations in various agricultural fields: “This international exhibition presents products from various sectors of agriculture in France and other countries, as well as large and small horned breed animals.
In previous years, our state provides a special concern for the development of agriculture. Our farmers are able to purchase by leasing, paying 60% of modern livestock in the country. This is consequence of wide possibilities 12 for farmers. Here we discuss possibility of bringing new meat and dairy animal breeds in climatic conditions in future”. “Today Azerbaijan is just continuously developed secure in each countries. Agriculture is one of the prioritized field in the economy of Azerbaijan, and it makes a support to the development of this sector in the country.
Due to President Ilham Aliyev’s attention to the non-oil sector’s development, agricultural sector stepped on a new stage. One of the main directions of agricultural reform is to increase productivity, improve farmers’ welfare, protect the environment and provide social rights”, - Inam Karimov said in his speech entitled “Ministerial Seminar on Perspectives for Rural Youth” in Paris. The international exhibition’s theme named “Women, Men, Talents” demonstrated cattle-breeding, plant-growing, garden growing, horticulture fields, trade and services, as well as agricultural products from the maritime regions and departments of France and the world. Each year, at least 630,000 and 650,000 visitors, a thousand exhibitors and 32,000 professionals come to the show to discover and introduce to the agricultural world.