
Inauguration ceremony of newly admitted employees of civil service was held at the Ministry of Agriculture

24 June 2024

The inauguration ceremony of newly hired employees on the administrative positions of the civil service in the Ministry of Agriculture was held, having achieved success in the relevant competition and interview stages.

Before the event, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played, and the memory of our heroic martyrs who died for the Motherland was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Then a video dedicated to the "Professional holiday of civil servants" was demonstrated.

Opening the event, Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov spoke about the invaluable services of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the formation and development of the modern civil service system, democratic, legal and secular state building in Azerbaijan. The Minister said that the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continues the political course of the Great Leader, always focuses on the development of the modern civil service system. It was noted that the adaptation of the management system in our country to the requirements of the modern era, effective staff training and the creation of a competitive environment are priority tasks. The Minister stressed that newly admitted employees are obliged to constantly comply with the principles established before civil servants - loyalty to the state, ensuring the rights and freedoms of people, and quality service to citizens.

Recalling that by the Order of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On awarding civil servants” dated June 24, 2024, 9 people working in the Ministry of Agriculture were awarded the medal “For distinction in the Civil Service”, Majnun Mammadov thanked President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of people working in the agricultural sector for the high attention and care shown.

Then, in the last 1 year, 47 young employees who achieved high results in the competition and interview stages of the exams conducted by the State Examination Center, successfully completed the probationary period on administrative positions, were admitted to the permanent civil service for the first time, will be loyal to the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the law "on civil service", will, they swore that they would carry it out with all their might and in the interests of the motherland.

The inauguration was carried out under the state flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan by pressing the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Minister Majnun Mammadov congratulated the participants of the event and employees awarded with medals on the occasion of June 23 - the professional holiday of civil servants, and wished them success in their future activities.