
Employees of the Ministry of Agriculture were awarded medals and certificates "For distinction in the Civil Service"

28 August 2024

According to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated on June 24, in 2024 year, No. 171, medals and certificates were presented to the employees of the Ministry of Agriculture who were awarded the medal “For distinction in the civil service” for their effective activities in the civil service.

Opening the event, Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov said that great support measures are being taken by the state for the further development of agriculture. Minister mentioned that the successes and results achieved today in the agrarian sector are highly appreciated by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

It was brought to the attention that the president always takes great care to strengthen the social protection of civil servants, and the employees who are distinguished by their effective activities in the Civil Service are valued. It was noted that the awarding of civil servants by the order dated on June 24, in 2024 year is a high value for their work.

Recalling that 9 people working in the Ministry of Agriculture were awarded the medal “For distinction in the civil service” by the order of the head of state, Minister Majnun Mammadov thanked President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of the people working in the agricultural sector for his high attention and care.

The employees of the Ministry, awarded with the order signed by the President, thanked the head of state for his value.

Then the awarded employees of the Ministry were presented by medals and cards.