
The Agricultural Subsidy Council announced the factors and quotas for subsidies in 2021

14 December 2020

In accordance with paragraph 2.4 of the “rules for subsidizing the production of agricultural products” approved by decree No. 759 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 27, 2019, the Agricultural Subsidy Council decided to determine the sowing, product and seed factors, seed and ting quotas and sowing needs in the field of crop production for 2021.


According to the decision, the base amount was 200 manats and in 2021 the same amount of sowing factors and planting subsidies were detained with the exception of the following in 2020:


- Taking into account the proposals from farmers, the state support for the hazelnut plant will also apply to the hazelnut gardens built in Agdash, Tovuz, Tartar, Shamakhi and Yardimli districts. Last year, planting subsidies for hazelnut crops were applied only to gardens established in Agstafa, Balakan, Ismayilli, Zagatala, Khachmaz, Gakh, Gabala, Guba, Oguz, Gusar, Gazakh, Shabran, Shaki districts.


- During the summer months (June 1 - August 31), 60 manat/ha will be provided again as sowing subsidies for corn, sunflower, soybean, millet, fodder sorghum, potatoes.


- The one-time subsidy for planting will be partially offset by the cost of creating new intensive orchards of 6 types of fruit crops. The one-time subsidy will be 11,000 manat/ha for lemon orchards to be built in 2021, 9,000 manat/ha for orange and tangerine orchards, 5,000 manat/ha for pomegranate orchards to be built on land with a low score, 4,900 manat/ha for olive orchards, 4400 manats/ha for hazelnut orchards laid in empty Forest Fund lands, mountainous and foothill areas.


- For intensive and semi-intensive nut and other fruit orchards, the subsidy amount will be determined and paid in the amount of 700 manat/ha in the first 4 years after the laying of the garden and 240 manat/ha in other years.


- No more than 20 hectares of sown areas for wheat, as in 2020, will receive 200 manats of seed subsidy. The size of the sowing subsidy for plots with an area of more than 20 hectares is set at 160 manats. The amount of the subsidy for sowing clover from 2020 is set at 50 manats.


According to the decision of the Agricultural Subsidy Council, the factors for the crop subsidy, the factors for seeds and the amount of the seed subsidy, the sowing needs that will be used to calculate the seed subsidy (they use the upper limit of the number of seeds and seeding of the 1st and 2nd reproduction sold to farmers per hectare of land) were kept the same as in 2020, and the annual seeding quota and the number of seeds was approved.