
The CATI and CAPI systems applied to the collecting farm data by Agro Researches Center - VIDEO

02 November 2021

Indicators characterizing the impact of agricultural policy implemented in each country on the activities of agricultural producers are an important system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of this policy. In order to assess the impact of state support measures on the activities of farmers in Azerbaijan, to identify their needs, and in general to assess trends in various sectors and markets, the Agro Researches Center (ARC) regularly conducts surveys among farmers and collects direct information. These surveys cover an average of 8-12 thousand farmers and market participants each year.

In order to improve the process of conducting surveys and data collection, ARC has already started to use CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) and CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) systems.

The CATI system allows the collection of questionnaires by telephone over a grouped number database. This allows for more flexible and high-quality data collection, processing and analysis, saving time and resources. The main advantages of this method are the preparation of surveys that provide a logical sequence of complex transition questions, rapid data collection, quality control of the collected data, ease of processing and time savings. The system also has technical parameters such as automatic transfer of start and end times of queries to the server, recording of voices, conducting queries without internet connection, sending bulk queries to the server via the Internet at the end of the day.

The CAPI system is a computer-aided processing of data collected through tablets, ie the system provides encrypted access to data collected from surveys using a program that can be used on the tablet and facilitates the compilation of data in accordance with the analysis. This method also includes fast data collection, quality control of the collected data, simplification of the processing process, thus saving time. In addition, the CAPI system, unlike CATI, allows tracking of surveyed points via the GPS module.

It should be noted that the Agro Researches Center conducts surveys among farmers, collects direct data in a separate section - Information on farmers and market division.

By the way, an annual survey on "Problems of farmers' access to resources and market access" has been launched. The survey covers the provision of farmers with seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agro-technical services, veterinary and plant protection services (availability, price and quality of resources), the situation with irrigation water and pastures, as well as market access (transport, road quality, issues related to product sales prices, outlets, etc.) are learned directly from farmers. Since this survey is conducted annually, it is possible to observe the dynamics of these issues, in other words, the level of progress and the scale of the problems are determined systematically.